January 29, 2024
After a 28-year period of uninterrupted services provided by
Award Prosthetics (and Crutch Ability) I have decided to close the company located on 3823 Henning Drive in Burnaby, BC. After searching unsuccessfully for a successor/buyer for the past 5 years and turning 75 myself, I felt it best to just retire. I’ve had a few months to reflect on that decision and am convinced the time was right. I will always think fondly of my 53 years of practising as a prosthetist and am hopeful that some of my influence will “rub-off” on the younger generations. As for my many clients : you have motivated me to do my best to meet your needs and also want to let you know that managing your disabilities have been a blessing to me.
On a personal note: Tracy is now employed at Russell Prosthetics in New Westminster and Joe is at Ortho Dynamics in Vancouver. They certainly have been a blessing to me by being so committed to assisting me to meet the needs of our clients from far and wide.
May God bless you all!
Tony van der Waarde